Connections that count

Midlands Business Network (65,000+ of us !)
We value the safety and health of our MBN team and our thousands of MBN Members, By arrangement with SATD we have achieved access to the digital documents content shown below that you can view directly from this page. These docs are BEST VIEWED using a PC/Laptop/Tablet - using your phone WILL work but will not be the greatest experience given the nature of the SATD Digital Content.You would probably not choose to read a book on your phone 🙁
In these digital documents (FlipBooks) many aspects of driving RISKS are discussed, and many valuable elements of INFO and STATS pertinent to any spent time behind the wheel are also discussed here. RISKS that can impact your HEALTH and your WEALTH and that make very interesting reading.
We invite you to take time out to view these documents - it is likely that viewing all of the available docs will need around 60 mins or so of your time. Perhaps approach it in bite-sized chunks of your time.
EDIT THIS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE TO YOUR BIZ. We are also happy if you wish to purchase your own copy of the SATD Film to share with your own family and friends, you are hereby authorised to add the purchase cost to your next expenses claim. (YOUR TEXT HERE)
The digital FlipBook content on this page can be accessed NOW - NO purchase is necessary - feel free to share this page address (URL) to ANY driver you know - they will thank you, as do we at MBN and SATD
You are looking at an example of a CUSTOM PAGE that for a small annual charge can be made FOR YOUR BIZ and any of the content that follows below can be changed/removed to suit your message. Get in touch to discuss YOUR custom landing page personalised to YOUR BIZ, your Team, your Customers, Clients, Members etc. YES the multiple FLIPBOOKS digital content docs accessed via this page ARE TOTALLY FREE. And YOUR custom branded page can be quickly accessed by anyone using YOUR unique QR-CODE (provided by us) by a quick scan or tap.
CLICK the IMAGES or the TITLES on this page to get instant access to a set of FREE digital assets. This ACCESS is completely FREE - NO PURCHASE required. We recommend viewing using a tablet or PC device - this set are DOCUMENTS ram-jam packed with INFO to keep you safe on our roads - indeed to KEEP you on the road and AVOID POINTS - points are the enemy. The contents of these FREE documents will help you to AVOID POINTS and FINES, and A&E ! Viewing using YOUR PHONE will work, but will not be the very best experience 🙁 BEST viewed on a tablet or PC/laptop.
Remember - POINTS are your ENEMY. Get some POINTS and your insurance costs may sky-rocket - and will stay in orbit for 4 years at least. Even worse, IF you are still considered a young driver OR a new driver, you may be asked by your insurer to pay an extra £400+ or more per annum, for 4 annums, so a simple lapse might cost you £1,600 down the line. Not good !
That's IF you can even get a quote after racking up POINTS. Click the images or topic headings to get started - it's FREE, and if you like what you see, you might want to go on to BUY our 80 mins Film packed with gold nuggets and presenting 50 RISK scenarios that might bring you POINTS or a trip to A&E.
18 PAGES - presenting 12 core topics that affect every driver and all driving. Your HEALTH and your WEALTH is affected by these. GREAT CONTENT and some surprising INFO and FACTS. Ram-jam packed with DRIVING RELATED stuff and lots that you may not know.
SATD - summary of the STATS contained in the SATD FILM
100 PAGES - summarising ALL the STATS that are shown in the SATD FILM, in a READABLE format provided here totally FREE. You MAY go on to BUY our FILM, however even if you DON'T, this content is the next best thing and contains many GOLD NUGGETS for DRIVERS no matter what their level of experience. Grab a coffee, settle down and relax as you are reminded about many things you may already KNOW, and quite a few things that you may NOT already know. And YES, it's for GOOD drivers, like YOU.
16 PAGES - Describing in "paper" format the 50 everyday driving scenarious that INVOLVE RISK, and including guidance on how to avoid. Shows what the SATD FILM contains but without the MOVIE. Makes a great read when stopping for a break at the Services,
12 PAGES - Summary of the key changes effective from FEB 2022
16 PAGES - provides a good SUMMARY of what the 80 mins SATD FILM contains and WHY buying the FILM at sub £6.00 will be the VERY BEST INVESTMENT in anything you will ever make. THE most comprehensive SAFER-DRIVING resource available ANYWHERE.
16 PAGES - our 80 mins SATD FILM has been structured to permit the inclusion of UP TO 8 BRANDS, and these brands are shown across ALL 50 risk SCENARIOS. We expect our SATD FILM to be viewed by 2 to 4 million drivers annually, or maybe many more if our marketing efforts are successful. Over the coming years we expect to REACH a very high percentage of the UK driving population. We are happy to share our strategy and channel activities with potential Sponsors.